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How to get an Apple ID SMS verification

  • By Admin

Are you looking to buy an iPhone? Or MacBook? Or even a smartwatch?  Let me recommend the Apple products! Many people have bought Apple products due to their long-lasting use, smart, and new gadgets inventions. I assume you are looking for a gadget to use since you landed here on this site where you'd want to use a phone number for an Apple ID account sign-up. Of course, you don't need a phone or iPad to verify your Apple ID account! You just need a laptop or computer. Make sure your internet connection is stable, then receive your virtual phone number order from SMSPool.

Let me discuss why Apple is your best choice. First of all, Apple's devices run on its exclusive operating systems: iOS for iPhones, iPadOS for iPads, macOS for Mac computers, watchOS for Apple Watches, and tvOS for Apple TVs. Each of these platforms is designed specifically for the hardware it runs on, ensuring optimal performance and seamless integration across devices. Apple was founded in 1976, searching for ways on how to improve the technology for the benefit of people. The Apple company not only focuses on product innovation but also on creating an integrated ecosystem. This ecosystem allows devices and services to work seamlessly together, enhancing the user experience. Apple’s iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS are all examples of this interconnected environment that simplifies and enriches the lives of its users.

Benefits of Apple gadgets


Apple has a strong understanding of users' perspectives. Many people have complained that gadgets from other brands do not last long. Apple can demonstrate that their devices are durable. The warranty at the time of purchase covers one year. If your Apple device does not break or malfunction within that period, it proves that it can last significantly longer.

Exclusive features:

It has features that only Apple has, the example for that is Siri, the personal assistant that integrates across Apple devices, and FaceTime, which provides high-quality video calls among Apple users. it also has Apple Pay which offers a secure and private way to pay using your devices.

Privacy and Security:

Apple has its users in mind, which is why Apple has its devices several hardware and software measures in place. For example, data encryption is enabled by default, and many applications are sandboxed to prevent data leakage between apps. 

And many more. Of course, Apple devices have many benefits that we have yet to discover. To discover new things in an Apple device, you might need to buy one. 

However, Apple requires you to fill in your number. I assume you do not have a phone number currently since you landed here on SMSPool which provides you with a virtual phone number. SMSPool offers you an Apple SMS verification with ease, of course, it has a price but the price is too little for you to hesitate. The price for an Apple ID SMS verification is $0.24, so make sure to have at least that amount in your SMSPool account.

How to create an Apple ID account

To order an Apple device, you must create an ID account from Apple. How do you create one? follow the steps below for a tutorial on how to create an account:

Visit Apple's Official Website

  • Search for 'Apple' in your browser, and it will appear at the top of your search results. Now, click on it.
  • Once you are on the web page, look at the top right of your screen, and click the bag icon; the one I circled it using the screenshot below.
  • Now on the red circle below; Click ‘Account’ to get started.
  • You may prefer to use the screenshot below.

  • Now for the next step, click 'Create yours now'.

Create your Apple ID

  • Now fill in your name, country, and your Gmail for your new Apple ID.

  • The important part here is your number: Opt for SMSPool, which offers you a virtual phone number to verify your Apple ID account.

How to obtain a phone number from SMSPool

  • Log in to your SMSPool account, then select [order]. after which, you select where you're currently in. The service must be [Apple] and not any other service; otherwise, it will not work. the next step is the price. last step is [Quick purchase] to lock that order in.
  • Order your virtual phone number for your Apple ID SMS verification here.

View your Pending SMS

To view your pending SMS, click here. your SMS verification code will arrive in seconds or some cases, it will arrive in a minute to 3 minutes.

Receive your SMS verification code

Receive your SMS Verification code here. Copy the code under the code tab.

Verify your Apple ID account

Paste the code that was sent to your SMSPool order page into the Apple ID account sign-up process to finalize the verification of your Apple ID account.

And that's it! The process of creating your Apple ID account is quite straightforward, isn't it? Of course, it's even easier with a virtual phone number for an Apple ID account from SMSPool. From this point on, your journey of discovering new devices depends on your capability to search of what you are interested in, whether it is an iPhone, iPad, MacBook, or some other device. don't worry, Apple services are easy to use! Enjoy your purchase!

Are you having trouble receiving your code?

You have to make sure that you have followed the steps; if you have trouble receiving your code the list below may help:

  • After you have clicked "Quick Purchase," there may be instances where you have to wait for about 1 to 3 minutes; Don't worry this is not an issue at all. 
  • Do not exit the Apple official website before even receiving the code from SMSPool. 
  • Please ensure the number is based on your country; sometimes, it will not work if you don't select based on where you're currently.
  •  Do not create too many accounts or you will be banned from making a new account.

If the issue persists, open a ticket from your SMSPool account. Don't worry! We are quick to respond to your inquiries, no matter what.

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